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Tammy Gray Zeroth

Welcome to Family Room 50!

**About me: it is my honor and privilege to serve you here in 100X. I am a Mother of two young men, 23 and 16. I am engaged to Dave, and I have a passion for the underdog. I have been a foster Mom to dogs, cats AND children. I have worked with Autistic Students both verbal and non-verbal. I have a heart to help those that are misunderstood. I homeschooled my kids for a lot of their school years (until High School) I have MANY interests including Naturopathic Care, Special Needs, Gardening, Keeping photos safe and memories being documented (Scrapbooking). I joined 100X in April of 2020 and my life looks nothing like it was. I don’t recognize that person at all, and I’m so grateful for that. I love helping people discover that they are enough especially when they don’t feel like they are.

Some of us have been together since Family Rooms started in June of 2021 and some just joined last week, but what you will find in room 50 is that as soon as you join, you will feel welcome. We respect each other, we honor each other, and we love each other. We do life together, and not just on Thursdays. We hope you join us, and I look forward to serving you every week.



**Favorite Bible passage and why?:

I don’t know that I have a favorite.. I go through stages of them meaning more at different times in my life. Currently I am diving deeper into (Phil 4:8) Philippians 4:8 says, “Finally, brethren, whatever is true, whatever is honorable, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is of good repute, if there is any excellence and if anything worthy of praise, dwell on these things.”

Thinking about these things instead of what the enemy wants us to focus on has been life changing. This has been a big piece of me renewing my mind in the 6 stake framework. Renewing my mind was something that was brand new to me when I came in to this community. It is something I need to remind myself to do daily. Undoing 50 years of doing it the wrong way didn’t come over night.. I had to learn to give myself grace even when others thought that I should be further along than I was. Trusting that God has it all in His control was pivotal for me and I work at it EVERY DAY. Focusing on the good instead of the bad, not ruminating on my failures is what I try to do daily. 🙂

**Favorite Pedro quote and why?:

I have so many that I find myself repeating over and over as something comes up in life. One is “God can’t steer a parked car”. We must take action on the things that God gives to us. Whether it’s a full blown mapped out plan, or just a little hint of an idea, we must move. We cannot live in fear. If it is the wrong direction, God will “steer” us in the right direction by either opening doors along the way, or closing them.

I also love “When you look for a rescuer, you will find an oppressor”


**100X Certified Coach

**Crush It Mastermind (Original)

**Crush It U

**100X Lifetime.

Important info

What’s new

***Be sure to check out some of our Family Room Members meeting up in Real Life. Pictures are below


Family Room Members Products or Links:

<aside> 💡 Vicky Jaenhert’s Book- https://www.amazon.com/Loopholes-Prayer-Guide-Vicky-Jaehnert-ebook/dp/B0BNW95TV6/ref=sr_1_1?crid=1914S27P390B9&keywords=vicky+jaehnert&qid=1690469029&sprefix=vicky+jaehnert%2Caps%2C91&sr=8-1


<aside> 💡 Vicky’s Website- https://www.dovecote-oratory.com/


<aside> 💡 Francillia’s Book- https://www.amazon.com/Unseen-Treasures-Embrace-Message-Within/dp/1662854919/ref=sr_1_1?crid=14DZJZU1SW33Q&keywords=francillia+foublasse&qid=1690469090&sprefix=francillia%2Caps%2C94&sr=8-1


<aside> 💡 Davina’s Website - www.spiritreborn.com or her youtube channel with Kevin (@withtheBrowns)


<aside> đź’ˇ Kevin Browns You Tube Channel (@WalkingwithKB)


<aside> đź’ˇ FB Page- https://www.facebook.com/spiritrebornclothing
