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Suzi Colthurst has loved helping people her entire life! Suzi is a mother, grandmother, wife of nearly 35 years, Dementia Strategist, Speech-Language Teletherapist, 100x Kingdom Entrepreneur coach, and a Certified Neuroscience life coach.

She is the founder and CEO of Empowered Caregiver Solutions mentorship programs and caregiver prayer ministries that help caregivers who have a loved one with dementia have the confidence that they are doing their very best while their loved ones are on earth, preventing guilt, regret, and burn out so that they don’t sacrifice their self, their wealth, their health, or their family!


After over 15 years practicing traditional speech therapy, she realized that speech therapy was only a piece of the healing puzzle. In her own journey she incorporated the modalities of speech therapy, neuroscience, kingdom identity and revelation, 3+ years studying prophecy and theology in School of Kingdom, inner healing, mentorship, and coaching. God revealed to her how all of these beautiful pieces fit together to bring hope, stability and confidence to those she serves. Suzi is passionate and faithfully committed to breaking the chains that hold people captive and seeing people made whole and free!!

Suzi lives in Royse City, TX with her husband and two dogs and enjoys fun-loving adventure, spending time with her family, traveling, camping, riding horses, and riding motorcycles.


Suzi's favorite Bible verse is Romans ****8:28 “So we are convinced that every detail of our lives is continually woven together to fit into God’s perfect plan of bringing good into our lives, for we are his lovers who have been called to fulfill his designed purpose.” TPT . This verse embodies Suzi's commitment to utilizing the power of hope to carry her Father's compassion, believing that all things can be turned FOR our good, despite the fact that God is not the author of everything that happens on earth, nor is everything that happens good or even God's will.


"This is happening FOR me not TO me." -Pedro Adao

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