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About me: Hello everyone! Just want to let you know that I am originally from India, lived and worked in India, Middle East and currently calling Michigan as our Home.

An accountant, Realtor and Entrepreneur! Focused in the Assisted Living space for the past 10 years and love helping people understand the space better. My wife is a Physical Therapist whose passion is to serve people with her gift of hospitality.. of-course she is one of the greatest cooks I have ever known. We have two wonderful kids and three beautiful grandkids. The kingdom is real and we are called to expand His Kingdom and I love that He has chosen me to serve Him on Earth as it is in Heaven.

One of my favorite verses in the Bible is 2 Peter 3:9 which says, “The Lord is not slow in keeping his promise, as some understand slowness. Instead he is patient with you, not wanting anyone to perish, but everyone to come to repentance.”

My favorite Pedro quote is “You are Good Soil”, even though I understood the self-improvement business and was on my journey to grow and serve people - I never was convinced that I need to invest in myself so that I expand and in the process I can expand the kingdom.

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