Click HERE to join Family ROOM 61 “Real Talk”

ROOM 61 - Diamonds are Forever.

I would like to welcome you to Room 61.

My name is James Standley. I am a Certified 100x Coach and Leader, and I thoroughly enjoy leading this family of Kingdom Entrepreneurs. We meet each Wednesday morning, rain or shine, at 6:30am (Pacific), which is 2:30pm for those who are in the UK.

Since Family Rooms launched in early June 2021, we in Room 61 have grown as individuals, and as a family who love to support and encourage each other as we learn more about God’s Kingdom and about Kingdom Entrepreneurship.

We come from many different cultures, family backgrounds, and life experiences. The one thing we have in common, is that we are Kingdom minded Entrepreneurs. No matter what stage we are on with our own individual journeys, about to get started or with years of experience, we like to share and help each other and ourselves to grow.

Welcome to Room 61, we are looking forward to getting to know you, and sharing our Kingdom journeys together.

My life as an entrepreneur started as a teenager in the UK. In my early twenties I moved to Seattle, WA, where I still live, to pursue my entrepreneurial adventure. I have gone from selling used (racing) tyres to an unserved market to founding and running a company manufacturing safety apparel and wholesale distribution of safety equipment.

After closing my business I discovered the 100x movement in 2020, during the pandemic, and have since grown significantly in my understanding of the Kingdom, and my knowledge of Kingdom Entrepreneurship. As a 100x Certified Coach, my primary focus has been on putting my years of experience to good use helping my fellow entrepreneurs move forward on their entrepreneurial journeys.

Important info

What’s new

A place for 100X updates to share with your group.

This is a work in progress, so if you have any suggestions for our hub please share them in our messenger group chat.

Family Room #6 (1)

ROOM 61 family members roster

Coming shortly … stay tuned